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Gioco da tavolo
Gioco da tavolo - World of warcraft: Il gioco da tavolo - shadow of war - espansione

World of warcraft : il gioco da tavolo - shadow of war - espansione

Editore/produttore: Giochi uniti
Prezzo: 24,90
Articolo disponibile in negozio e online
Shattered Kingdom ... features hundreds of new cards, both expanding the original game and introducing a few new concepts. A new item deck rewards characters with exciting trinkets and artifacts. A new quest deck puts a bounty on independent creatures, rewarding characters who defeat them. Each class deck also receives 10 new powers and 10 new talents, further developing each character's arsenal of unique abilities and customization. Each Overlord also receives special cards that are shuffled into the event deck, and these cards make them even more dangerous throughout the game.
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